I had such a good time at our ward's Trunk or Treat this year! Sam did better too--he would actually walk up to people who were offering him candy. He didn't get it last year. (Sam and Jared are in this picture. Look for the bright green spot at the front of the room.)

After everyone was done outside, we all came in to the cultural hall and watched the "parade."

They were playing the song "Ghost Busters" and Sam loves to dance when there's music playing, so these pictures are of him dancing.

It shows that he was having such a good time! I was having a GREAT time watching my husband parade my dancing child around the room, while dancing to the music himself. I love that Jared didn't care who was watching--he was going to dance with his son! What a good dad!!!

These pictures are of my Primary class. Here's cute Little Red Ridding-Hood.

Here's a scary Zombie--YIKES!

Here's a beautiful Greek goddess.

And here's the pretty green M&M--love the boots!

Quinn was a hit in his bat costume! A lot of people were surprised I could find a real costume that small. Thanks, mom for sending it. He was so snug in this little fleece romper!

And here is my little dinosaur. Sam even had the sound effects down. He was growling at everybody! He is such a fun little guy!