We were in Utah for Thanksgiving this year, and we had SUCH a NICE TIME! There was a lot of snow for us to play in. I thought it looked beautiful, but Sam didn't like playing in it this time. Jared liked the workout he got while shoveling it though.

Here's my boys with Marci's kids. Everyone LOVED getting their picture taken with little Quinny!

Baylee MADE Quinn's hat. I love it and it looks like Quinn loves it too. Thanks Baylee!

There was a lot of movie watching at grandma and grandpa's house. Sam loved the company too.

Dad was the BEST one at getting Quinn to calm down or fall asleep. Awh...sooooo cute!

We blessed Quinn in my parent's ward on the 28th. It was so nice to have so much family come to be there! It was a SNOWY day so it meant even more that everyone braved the icy roads. It was such a nice day, and a fun party after church with good food and good company. Thank you everyone for coming! (I love how Sam is playing with my hair in this picture)

Here is the man of the day. He was so calm during his blessing. Jared was able to take his time and he really gave Quinn such a beautiful blessing.

A family picture. What handsome boys I have!!!